Time is flying by faster than a hungry cheetah here at Neuvokas (Is it the same everywhere else?). In any case, here's a little recap of events that took place in the month of April...
Customer Appreciation: We were excited to deliver GatorBar™ to Oostburg Concrete Products of Oostburg Wisconsin earlier this month.
Oostburg Concrete Products has been around since 1946, offering a complete line of concrete and masonry services including footings, poured concrete walls, concrete floors, driveways, sidewalks and other flatwork. Welcome aboard! We look forward to continue working with you down the road.
Our second featured company is actually a repeat customer definitely worthy of a shoutout. We made a shipment of GatorBar to Stahl Concrete Construction of Casco Wisconsin once again.
A big thank you to all of our April customers, your business is greatly appreciated as we continue to push for corrosion free concrete.
GatorBar Featured on Cover of Concrete Contractor: At last! The April/May 2016 edition of Concrete Contractor magazine has been released! What's the best part? GatorBar is on the cover! We're thrilled to have all of you guys check it out. Click on the photo to go to the online version of the magazine.
Joe Nasvik authored the article; he gave a nice overview of basalt fiber and the FRP industry history, then dug into Neuvokas and GatorBar BFRP.
Make sure you read the full article here and share it with your friends!
Michigan Tech Magazine Article: Quick question: How does one determine the precise point in time at which they acquire celebrity status? When Michigan Tech comes by and asks for video interviews? Maybe not, but, hey! We take what we can get.
Representatives from Michigan Tech University stopped by to get some footage for the video that will be on their website covering the Spring 2016 magazine (in which GatorBar will be featured!). We will share it with you guys when available. Our COO, Ken Keranen, and our VP of Engineering, Matt Kero, are both Michigan Tech alumni so they were the stars of the show. However, being the CEO does get you a little face time regardless of whether or not college was your forte.
We do a lot of our material testing through Michigan Tech, so it's nice that they're right in our back yard. In the future, we hope to give more local MTU grads a chance to stay close to home, by offering them a career of creative thinking and innovation with Neuvokas. Thanks for visiting, MTU, we enjoyed having you!
Michigan Celebrates Small Business 50 Companies to Watch 2016: Last month I mentioned that Neuvokas was chosen as one of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch for 2016. So in addition to Michigan Tech, we had a couple guests from Michigan Celebrates Small Business in house to get video clips and interviews for the gala event in May. We got to share the Neuvokas story once again, and had fun doing so!
The Twelfth Annual Awards Ceremony, put on by the MCSB, will be held on May 5th at the Lansing Center. Congratulations to all of the other awardees; we will see you there!
GatorBar Representation in Hawaii: The GatorBar team would like to welcome Paul Kane of Aloha Marketing to the family! Paul represents many construction and auto products on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. He will be leading our efforts to introduce GatorBar to Hawaii as a rust free concrete solution. Hawaii has trouble making its reinforced concrete last, due to ocean salts accelerating the corrosion of the steel reinforcement. Our CEO took a trip to Honolulu to kick off the project with Paul. Walking the streets of Honolulu and Waikiki, the effects of corrosion were very apparent. Erik took a few pictures to document:
This destruction costs Hawaii millions of dollars each year. We are going to help combat this issue, by proposing our corrosion free reinforcement product, GatorBar, at a price that allows projects to stay on budget.
That's all for now, folks! Thank you for reading.