Slip formed curb reinforced with #3 GatorBar. GatorBar Basalt is approved for use in this application by MDOT. This is a section of curb on US Hwy 41 in Upper Michigan. This area sees a lot of snow for many months of the year and is exposed large amounts of road salts. GatorBar will never rust making it a great fit for this highly corrosive environment.
Slip Formed Curb

Curb reinforced with #3 GatorBar

Slip formed curb reinforced with #3 GatorBar. GatorBar Basalt is approved for use in this application by MDOT. This is a section of curb on US Hwy 41 in Upper Michigan. This area sees a lot of snow for many months of the year and is exposed large amounts of road salts. GatorBar will never rust making it a great fit for this highly corrosive environment.